Paw Paw the Hissing Cockroach
Paw Paw
Hissing Cockroach
The island of Madagascar off the African coast.
All kinds of music, but especially opera—to Harry’s dismay.
Most everything. Paw Paw is an old curmudgeon and tends to be very, very cranky, even throwing the occasional “hissy” fit.
Favorite Foods:
Oranges. Sure. Or pineapple. Whatever.
Biggest Dream:
Watching a performance of the first hissing opera at La Scala, the renowned Italian opera house. Paw Paw can often be heard hissing his scales as he works on completing his masterpiece.
Favorite Movie:
One where the sound isn’t so loud. Why is everything loud all the time? Keep it down.
Unusual Party Trick:
Even though he is very old, Paw Paw is an excellent climber and can still easily scale smooth glass. He uses this ability to leave parties immediately.